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CLKD and UBC Local 2222 Team Up for the 2020 Skate with Santa!


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Traditionally, Community Living Kincardine and District would be welcoming the community at the Davidson Centre for the Annual Community Christmas Party and Skate with Santa. As we approach the Christmas Season our hearts were heavy having to think about cancelling our event this season; an event that allows CLKD to give back to the Community that supports us throughout the year.

The thought of not seeing all the smiling faces decorating cookies with Mrs. Claus, sipping hot chocolate, and Skating with Mr. Claus himself was too unsettling to consider. So, we immediately put our heads together and came up with a plan.

Skate with Santa will happen this year! - it just might look a little different. Community Living Kincardine and District has teamed up with UBC Local 2222 and local Artist Jessica Cormier to bring you the 2020 Skate with Santa Photo Op at Queens Lookout!

Perched high on the hill at the Queen's Lookout on Main Street Kincardine, you will see Santa and a couple of children skating merrily in the park. We invite you to enter the scene and share your photo with us on Facebook as you enjoy "Skating with Santa!".

UBC Local 2222 has donated gift cards to local businesses! With every photo shared to facebook and tagged @CommunityLivingKD and @UBClocal2222, you will be entered to WIN some great gift cards!

We cannot wait to see all your smiling faces skating with Santa at the Queen's Lookout this Christmas!

A HUGE thank-you to our friends at Local UBC 2222 and Jessica Cormier for helping us pull this off! The skating scene will remain all winter long as part of the Municipality of Kincardine's "Leave the Light on" Campaign.

Merry Christmas from all of us at Community Living Kincardine & District!

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