If any of you know Ian, you will know that the Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band is a big part of his life. He has been volunteering with the band for a number of years now, and when the Saturday night parades were cancelled last summer, Ian really missed them. He took it upon himself to purchase his own set of bagpipes and make use of the time in lockdown to learn how to play.
Here is what Ian had to say about his new bagpipes:
Q: What did you think when you first saw your new set of Bagpipes? A: “Oh I was so happy, I’m looking forward to being a Piper!”
Q: How often do you play them? A: “Right now I do my best to practice, but there are no lessons right now on account of the virus.”
Q: What are your plans for them? A: “Once the virus is over and I do my lessons, I will be way up front with the band going down the street.”
Q: What inspired you to buy your own bagpipes? A: “Well I really want to be a piper. I really do!”
We wish Ian all the best in pursuing his dream to play his bagpipes with the Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band!